Beaver Run Utility Service Extension
Location Salisbury, MD
Client Wicomico County Public Schools
Date of Completion 2016
Services #Construction Services #Water / Wastewater Engineering
Sectors #Educational Facilities #Government #Infrastructure #Institutional #Wastewater Systems #Water Systems
George, Miles & Buhr, LLC (GMB) assisted WCBOE in the completion of a feasibility study to evaluate and develop replacement alternatives for the aging onsite septic system at Beaver Run Elementary School. GMB worked with MDE to determine the most feasible replacement alternative, which was determined to be extending City of Salisbury public water and sewer services to the school.
Following the feasibility study phase, GMB was hired to complete engineering and contract documents for the replacement of the existing onsite water and sewer systems at Beaver Run Elementary School with connection to the City of Salisbury services. The utility installation included a sewage pump station, sewage force main, water main, directional drill installation of water and sewer under Route 50, and a final connection to City of Salisbury, MD existing sewer and water utilities. The work took place on public and private properties in both Wicomico County, Maryland, and the City of Salisbury, Maryland.
Following planning, design, and bidding, GMB completed the Construction Administration and Inspection services. A major part of the project was completing two (2) directional drills under Route 50. The water directional drill consisted of a 12-inch fusible PVC main inside a 20-inch fusible PVC casing pipe. The sewer drill installed was a 4-inch fusible PVC main inside a 14” fusible PVC casing. The casing pipes were installed for future expansion of utilities on the north side of Route 50.
GMB worked directly with the Owner and City of Salisbury during all phases of this project. Together all participants were able to successfully facilitate the installation of utilities and provide reliable water and sewer at the Elementary school which had failing septic systems. Construction was completed and the school was served by public sewer and water prior to the start of the school year in September 2016.